Friday, April 23, 2010

Why Do I Paint

Why do I paint? Good question. It occurred to me the other day that perhaps the reason I paint is because I am attempting to experience the creative side of God. Certainly God created all that there is in this world, both the ugly and the beautiful (our perception) out of materials He had at hand. I try to do the same thing, only I use canvas, charcoal, oils and brushes. I copy the artwork that God has already produced. I have learned about light, color, texture and composition from the Master Artist

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New Website Launched

So I finally took the next step in my art carrer, such as it is,and created my own Here I will post all of my newest works as well as a few of the oldies but goodies. This site is a work in progress and I'm just learning the whole complicated system. Check it out and let me know what you think.