Sunday, August 30, 2009

More Plein Aire

The Finger Lakes area of Upsate NY has a limitless supply of places to paint. The two most recent paintings were done at Oak Orchard Park along the Seneca canal and a small pond found adjacent to the Montezuma Wildlife Refuge. The "Refuge Pond" painting was done soley with painting knives.

Along the Seneca Canal - 9x12 Oil on panel

Refuge Pond - 9x12 Oil on panel

Friday, August 14, 2009

Painting Plein Aire

So I've been doing a lot of painting outside lately. I love it. The light is perfect and the weather here has been great, not to hot. Typically if the sun is bright I will paint in the shade somewhere. When it's overcast I will move my easel out side. Here are some pics of me painting on our enclosed porch out of the bright sun listening to Frank Turner.